Caveat emptor - let the buyer beware... by Mike Gulett - When a classic car model reaches a value level where creating a fake car can be profitable then dishonest people may take dishonest action by passing off a fake as the real … [Read more...]
Confessions of a Barn Finder: Adventures in (Almost) Paradise

by Wallace Wyss - So when I was a kid I liked this TV series called Adventures in Paradise. I can’t remember much about it except it involved a big schooner, and a studly-looking actor named Gardner McKay. Flash forward about 20 years and … [Read more...]
More Photos Of The 1955 Vignale Fiat 8V

by Mike - The article yesterday, The Motel Fiat – An Unrestored Treasure, by Wallace Wyss about a 1955 Vignale Fiat 8V was popular and unfortunately the author had only one photo. Lucky for us reader, Chris Pascoe, sent in these photos from … [Read more...]
The Motel Fiat – An Unrestored Treasure

by Wallace Wyss I first saw the car at Concorso Italiano, I think in 2011. I admired the shape of the bodywork though it had paint flaking off its body. This was a car heavy in patina, y’might say. Fiats are largely mass produced … [Read more...]
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