My Car Quest

March 29, 2025

The Malibu Car Show Is Still Going Strong

At least as of November 15... by Wallace Wyss - I wish I could report from Concorso Italiano, Pebble Beach etc. But no, this is a parking lot report. The New Normal. But the parking lot is in a shopping center in Malibu, with the closest … [Read more...]

The End of the Malibu Car Show? – I Do Not Think So

On August 26 I received an email from the City of Malibu (with a copy to Wallace Wyss and someone at the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department). The email summary, The car event that is advertised and was conducted in the City of Malibu … [Read more...]

Cars on the Street During Monterey Car Week

by Mike Gulett Saturday of Monterey Car Week is the day for Concorso Italiano but because I recently posted Concorso Italiano Revisited – 2014 I thought I would post some photos of Cars on the Street, which is something I try to do every … [Read more...]

The Carmel Mission Classic – 2015 and 2017

Wednesday of Monterey Car Week has been the day of the Carmel Mission Classic for the last few years. This is a small event in a unique setting and it could very well be one of the events that does not survive the coronavirus. Today we reach back … [Read more...]

Groundhog Day in Malibu: Yes, it Continueth…

by Wallace Wyss - Photos by Richard Bartholomew - Remember the film comedy Groundhog Day where Bill Murray is an emcee at the annual re-appearance of a groundhog named Phil who whether he sees or doesn't see his shadow predicts whether … [Read more...]

Malibu: Pandemic – What Pandemic?

This is the latest in the our series on the casual car events held in Malibu every Sunday for the last few weeks. Wallace Wyss and Richard Bartholomew seem to go every week and continue to find interesting cars and people. During this time of the … [Read more...]