My Car Quest

July 27, 2024

Random Memories Of Mike Hailwood And His Iso Grifo In South Africa

by Andre Loubser Firstly a somewhat circuitous route as to how I became involved with Mike Hailwood. In 1962, aged 22, I left Cape Town to join the export/sales division of the Porsche factory. A year later, much to my surprise, I was asked to … [Read more...]

Piero Rivolta Comments On The Coys Iso Grifo #001 For Sale Controversy

Dear Mike, Thank you for bringing the sale of the Iso Grifo #001 at a Coys auction to my attention. If they claim that this Grifo is the prototype Grifo A3/L which inspired the Grifo GL production car, that is wrong and false. The Grifo A3/L … [Read more...]

It’s Tough Out Here On A Blogger

by Mike - The Telegraph (from the UK) published my story today about the Coys Iso Grifo Fiasco. However, they did not give credit to the original source which is me. They quote one of my sources who sent a private email to me (that I … [Read more...]

Coys Comments On Their Iso Grifo Problem In Germany

by Mike - Yesterday I received an email, shown below, from Chris Routledge of Coys addressing the problem with the Iso Grifo at their auction recently in Essen, Germany. This message has been published in the Comment section as well by Nik … [Read more...]

More On The Coys Iso Grifo Fiasco

by Mike - My confidential sources have sent in more information on the Iso Grifo recently sold by Coys in Essen, Germany. Shortly afterwards the Grifo was seized by the German authorities. Remember that Douglas Jamieson of Coys said before … [Read more...]

The Iso Grifo Sold By Coys Has Been Seized By The German Authorities

by Mike - According to my sources in Germany the Iso Grifo No. 001 – “A Very Important And Rare Car” sold by Coys a few days ago in Essen, Germany has been seized by the German authorities. Below is the text of an email sent to the German Coys … [Read more...]