My Car Quest

October 8, 2024

The Electrification of Classics

by Wallace Wyss - I knew it was possible. I knew it was going to happen. But I didn't think it was happening on a big scale. I'm talking about the taking of classic collector cars and converting them to electric power. I became aware of this … [Read more...]

This New Electric Car Looks Just Like a ’67 Mustang

by Wallace Wyss - The '67 Mustang is a nice design nostalgically but is it worth tooling up for a 2023 car? Some Brits think so and at the 2022 Los Angeles Auto Show Charge Cars showed their prototype called the '67 (notably not mentioning the … [Read more...]

A New Breed of Automobile Manufacturer is On the Way

by Mike Gulett - The transition of the automobile industry to electric vehicles creates the opportunity for new players to get into the automobile business. This includes start up companies but also established companies with no experience in … [Read more...]

Editorial: Are We Going to See the Get-it-While-it-Lasts Car Sales?

by Wallace Wyss - Now that I've seen the publicity around the Ferrari Purosangue SUV, extolling the fact it has a V12, and other stories in car magazines about "the last internal combustion engine from so-and-so" I am wondering, are we going … [Read more...]

Rolling Blackouts Threaten Electric Vehicle Owners in California

I have received three text messages this week (including one today) from our power company that is the largest in California (Pacific Gas & Electric). Each message said, PG&E Alert: Extreme heat is straining California's grid. Save energy from … [Read more...]

Editorial: The War Against Gas Stations

In March 2021, the Petaluma, CA City Council voted unanimously to prohibit the creation, expansion, reconstruction and relocation of gas stations, encouraging owners to transition to stations that serve electric and hydrogen-powered vehicles. The … [Read more...]